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Basic Health Guide
to diagnose
your e-commerce

After receiving the same question dozens of times over the last few years, “What is happening to my e-commerce, why I am not selling?“, at Studio Ideago we decided to design a quick and easy guide to understand the health of your online store.

With this document you will be able to orient yourself to where the problem is and how to solve it.

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What is and how to use the health guide for e-commerce?

This quick guide will help you understand through site traffic and different metrics of your online store, which areas you should strengthen in your strategy to get those sales that you want so much. The only thing you have to do is download the document (you can print it, if it is easier for you, but if you love the planet like us, just download your digital version).

Once you have the digital (or printed) document, all you have to do is start from the beginning and check the different steps mentioned in the guide. Take the time to find the right information and analyse your metrics. We know that sometimes working with data can be a bit heavy, but if you are going to manage an e-commerce, it is important that you understand the basic rules.

Consierations before using it

Having exposed all of the above, we feel obliged to make a very important clarification. In our extensive experience advising online businesses over the years, we have learned a very valuable lesson, each business is a world apart and should be treated as such.

With this, what we mean is, the guide that we have developed below is intended as a basic tool for those who wants to generally understand what happens in their e-commerce. Of course, there are many topics that are analysed within an e-commerce outside the scope of this guide. Therefore, if our guide does not solve your problem in your online store, we ask you to write to us with your particular case so that we can provide you with a more personalised consulting service.

Get your copy here

Just fill out the short form below with your information and you’ll get your copy of our quick health guide for online stores right away!

We hope this tool helps you improve your business performance.

About the Autor

Nacho Hernández

Nacho Hernández

Deep passion for technology, development and businesses. More than 12 years working in different marketing departments around the world. A true believer that constant education and dedication are the key to achieve what you want.

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